Prepare the disk
First I had to modify the parition table of the disk. The free partition
was already defined, but had the wrong type, as I had used them as HFS
partition before. To be usable by Linux it must have type
Apple_UNIX_SVR2. So I deleted the partition and recreated it with the
new values. While doing this I also changed the names of some other
partitions. Here the commands for doing it. On the first line the call
of pdisk(8), then the commands given to pdisk.
pdisk /dev/hda
n 8 Swap
n 9 LinuxPPC
n 10 Reserve
d 11
C 11p 2132400 Linux Apple_UNIX_SVR2
Here you can see the resulting parition table and
how it was before the changes.
As next step the partition must be formatted. That's done with the
mke2fs(8) command. A simple
mke2fs /dev/hda11
did the job. Now I could mount the disk
mount /dev/hda11 /mnt
and start with putting stuff on it.
Last updated: 1999-08-21 by Claudio