Doing the following took me several retries, but I don't want to bore anybody with a detailed description of all my failed attempts. Basically the problem was to figure out, what is really needed, and this took some trials. Only after I had adjusted my previous steps, so that all needed devices, directories and links were created, I could successfully boot into the new partition and continue work from there.
One important thing I missed: every ELF executable references
at exactly that place, without looking
for it in another directory. Also I had to make sure there is a
shell at /bin/sh
so that scripts referencing it
would run.
I copied sash
to the new partition root.
is a statically linked shell, which has builtin some
commands like cp, ls, ln etc. In the BootX dialog I added the kernel
arguments init=/sash rw
so that the kernel would start up
with it as first process. The rw
kernel option should give
me a writable root partition right from the beginning. A good thing to
have, if it would turn out, that mount would not run right from the
beginning. In sash I could then mount the old partition and set up
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH to make sure, I would have access to
all libraries and binaries. I prepared the commands in
From sash I would then start a regular shell, which is easier to use. I wrote a small rc script to run manually, which would do the needed setup to get a usable system. I wrote also a /etc/fstab to be able to easily mount the old partition and the mac partition, so that I could get to the sources I had downloaded.
gcc would hang, if it was not able to find cpp in one of the compiled
in places, so I had to create a link /usr/lib/gcc-lib ->
. I also created the link
/usr/ppc-redhat-linux -> /mnt/usr/ppc-redhat-linux
is also referenced by gcc. Better do a bit more than needed, and save
one reboot cycle.
Now the linker complains about missing /lib/libc.so.6
though there is one in /usr/lib
. But when adding
it complains about _dl_lazy@@GLIBX.2.1.1
beeing undefined.
How much more troubles? I give up!