ðeSyntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt *   ýÿÿÿ £Z'LineElemsAlloc 8     > 2  EÊÿÿÿàu ÐûPopupElemsAllocMail.Send#Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Mail.Send ®To: tanis@sport1.uibk.ac.at cc: oberon-linux@titania.ssw.uni-linz.ac.at bcc: Subject: Bug report Oberon for Linux Attach.:  BugDescription: Affected modules: Severity: Procedure to reproduce bug: Solutions, suggestions, hints to debug/circumvent the problem: Machine-description: Processor, RAM, peripherials: XServer - Software: Used color model: (Execute System.State X11 ~ and copy the line colorClass* = X here)