Uses of Class

Packages that use InkDot

Uses of InkDot in ch.claudio.pen

Methods in ch.claudio.pen that return InkDot
 InkDot InkStore.getLast()
 InkDot InkDot.getPrevious()
 InkDot InkStore.newDot(int xArg, int yArg, PenState stateArg, long time)
          Create a dot, compute velocity and acceleration and store it.

Methods in ch.claudio.pen that return types with arguments of type InkDot
 java.util.Iterator<InkDot> InkStore.iterateList()

Methods in ch.claudio.pen with parameters of type InkDot
 void MenuThread.event(InkDot dot)
 void Recognizer.event(InkDot dotArg)
 void EventDump.event(InkDot dot)
 void VAIndicator.event(InkDot dot)
 void PenListener.inkEvent(InkDot dot)
          Method which receives the event information.

Constructors in ch.claudio.pen with parameters of type InkDot
InkDot(int xArg, int yArg, PenState stateArg, InkDot previousArg, long timeArg)
          Create a new ink dot with all information.